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Yeshua in Context >> Applying the Gospels , Identity of Yeshua >> Transforming Aspects of the Gospels, #1

Transforming Aspects of the Gospels, #1

This will be a series of posts and you can click the category "Applying the Gospels" on the right sidebar to see all in this series and more.


Deepening as we enter more into the story. Getting us beyond self-centered responses toward God. The growing realization of Yeshua's identity and power and gifts.

For example, consider in John 4:43-54 how Yeshua is not satisfied with the faith of the Galileans or even this Roman who comes to him. Vss. 44-45 hint at the problem. Vs. 48 states it. What sort of faith is Yeshua looking for?

Or consider Luke 7:22. Yeshua was not satisfied with the faith of John the Baptist either. What did Yeshua want him to learn?

There is no time in which we might say our faith is deep enough. As Yeshua's identity is higher than our minds can conceive, so our faith always has new heights and our love can grow in an ever-deepening bond with God and Yeshua and the Spirit (as well as each other).

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Filed under: Applying the Gospels , Identity of Yeshua

3 Responses to "Transforming Aspects of the Gospels, #1"

  1. But does faith equal apprehension? I don't think John's pistis-either in the sense of trust or trustworthiness-was weak at any point. His "crisis of faith" was more a question of, "Did I misunderstand something?"


  2. yeshuain says:


    The story in Luke 7 (of John the Baptist sending a question to Yeshua) can be interpreted with some variation. The account does not, of course, go into details about motivations.

    At the very least, though, we should note that: (a) John was troubled enough to send a question, (b) Yeshua said, "Blessed is he who takes no offense at me." These seem more than hints that John had doubts.

    One of the larger points I make in Yeshua in Context is that Yeshua taught a different concept of Messiah, brought the understanding of his inner circle to a higher level, revealed that God's plans were very different from the course people assumed God would take. John's expectation, apparently, was for something similar to others in Israel at the time. He was expecting the end of the age and all the signs of judgment and apocalypse.


  3. fenderbirds says:

    nice article, keep the posts coming

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